"The Truth" Voter Influence via Social Engineering
Want the truth about voter fraud without nonsense about ballot harvesting or compromised voting machines? In fact, you're probably being influenced right now by more than you're aware. Everyone knows about meta-data collection and use of it to sell you garbage but ever heard of "social engineering" programs? Well, the US Government alllows 1600 private businesses to spray "resonant frequency weapons" across US Cities with impunity. One example is Security Industry Specialists which is well known to FREY Chicago's low income neighborhoods with "mood altering" frequencies on the negative end of the spectrum while doing the opposite in high income neighborhoods a few blocks over. Think this is fiction? Please watch our videos and learn how society in ever major city in the nation is being "socially engineered" to severe the few and not the masses. OPEN YOUR EYES and expand your mind to the truth right in front on you.
Voter Influence
Do you believe your vote matters? In theory, it's supposed to as its the "corner stone" of our democracy. This issue is you're being subconsciously influenced and manipulated subliminally. Think we are crazy to even suggest this? Are you familiar with resonant frequency directed energy weapons, behavior modification therapies or social engineering programs. This is not just the stuff of movies as it is your current reality. Influence is all around us but this form of conditioning is invisible and affects everything from your mood to your decision making - including the way you vote.
The U.S. Government allows pervasive use of mood altering and subliminal messaging (aka Mind Control) to saturate U.S. Cities from coast to coast and worldwide. This is actually a well known "secret" and has been hidden from the general public for decades. It taints the idealism of our democracy and is clouded in darkness to benefit elected and non-elected officials. We challenge you all to "think for yourself", learn about these technologies and not only imagine their possible effects but consider how they are already being used. Voter Influence through behavior modification and subliminal messaging of any political party is Criminal and far beyond "advertising" it/s manipulation, coercion and mind control.
Companies like Security Industries Specialists are well known to execute "Social Engineering" Programs by use of directed energy weapons and resonant frequency modulation in Cities like Chicago and across the world. Do you really believe 1) This is legal if brought to light? 2) Does it not influence the "low income" civilians negatively 3) It perpetuates social unrest. 3) It has unwittingly turned people against each other. How does this happen in America and why is it even necessary? The country is failing, families are broken apart, the middle class is disappearing and innocents are dying and because of our "so called" leaders as they gather more & more wealth. Is that equality?