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Neural & Body Networks In Use On U.S. Citizens

What are Remote Mind Reading Networks?


Remote Mind Reading Networks (MRNs) read a targetted individual’s thoughts or ideas or opinions or formulations or conjectures or research work or innovative work by capturing the neuro waves or the brain waves or the thought waves of the target subject from a distance, without the subject being aware or informed earlier that his or her’s thoughts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work are being heard by or captured by or seen by or recorded by the people in the command centres of the Remote Mind Reading Networks and Remote Mind Control Networks.


A Remote Mind Reading Network is a remote communicaton network that directly interacts with the human brain and captures the neuro waves emanating from the human body. By capturing the neuron waves and getting the words spoken within the minds of the individual captured by its sound system or heard by the operators or having those words appear distinctly on the screens or scroll through its screens to be read into the sound system or turned into audio files by its operators in its air-conditioned but highly secretive command centres, the Remote Mind Reading Network captures the thoughts, feelings, opinions, plans, utterances, praises, criticisms or strategies of its targetted individuals or the members of its targetted groups

Further, Remote Mind Reading Networks help the Remote Mind Readers or Remote Mind Reading Vested Interests to gather continuously and create a database of the thoughts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work of the targetted individual or individuals; record higher-order brain functions of the target subject or subjects such as decision-making processes; record lower-level brain processes such as emotional states, sleep pattens, sleep deprivation patterns, responses to injecting of different kinds of sounds, hunger and motor activity and the responses of the target subject or subjects to the visual, audible, olfactory or gustatory cues they are provided with or exposed to or subjected to.


Two Basic Types of Remote Mind Reading Networks

Remote Mind Reading Networks are of several types. The two most basic types are Proximal Remote Body Area Networks and Distal Remote Body Area Networks.


What are Distal Remote Mind Reading Networks?


Distal Remote Mind Reading Networks which use Global Positioning Satellite-based, human tracking system in USA or the Remote Sensing Satellite-based, human tracking system in India, use the most sophisticated live relay technology system that are used for live relay of International Basketball matches, International Soccar matches or International Cricket matches across cities, states, nations and continents in real-time, with the full body or the bodies of the target subject or subjects whereever that person is located or those persons are located and in whatever the postition or state that targeted individual is or individuals are. Using State-of-the-Art Remote Mind Reading Technologies, the Remote Mind Reading Networks tap the brains of the targetted individual or individuals, capture the brain waves or neuro waves emerging out the brain or brains of the targetted individual or individuals and read in real-time the thoughts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work. GPS based or Remote Sensing Satellite based Distal Remote Mind Reading Networks, using both human personnel and robottic personnel, researchers, technologsts, radio wave processing experts, radio technologists, investigators, vested interests, statisticians, editiors, copy righters, reporters, live report streaming audio – video and multi-media experts and scientists, beam the words and sentences constituting the houghts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work of the targetted individual or individuals on the scrolling visual screens, moving audio screens, running multimedia relay screens and computer monitor screens in real-time on a continual basis 24-hours a days, 365 days a year, 10 years a decade and for decades.


Distal Remote Mind Reading Networks work very distant, like a country away or a continet away or continents away from the main mass of the body of the targeted individual or the group of individuals.


Distal Remote Mind Reading Networks, which use GPS satellites or Remote Sensing Satellites and State-of-the-Art and Cutting Edge Remote Mind Reading Technologies, zero-in perfectly on and capture the subject’s or subjects’ brainwaves or neuro waves from any distance. They have no need for any prior direct contact with their target subject or target subjects and also do not require any type of secondary devices such as electronic bio, nano and neuro implants; electrode headsets and neuro or bio or brain wave or signal amplifiers, transmitters and retransmitters on or into or near their target subject or subjects.


What are Proximal Remote Mind Reading Networks?


Proximal Remote Mind Reading Networks work close to the main mass of the body of the targeted individual or the group of individuals. Proximal Remote Mind Reading Neworks will, using stealth and deceit, have prior direct contact with the targetted individual or individuals and using the guise of normal surgery to the body parts of the targetted individual or individuals place electronic bio, nano and neuro implants into the body parts of the targetted individual or individuals; place electrode headsets around the head of the targetted individual or the heads of the individuals and set up neuro or bio or brain wave or signal amplifiers, transmitters and retransmitters. Using this elaborate set up, Proximal Remote Mind Reading Neworks capture the neuro waves or the brain waves or the thought waves of the target subject or subjects and read, record and learn about the thoughts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work of the targetted individual or individuals.


Proximal Remote Mind Reading Networks, which using a secondary device placed on the target subject or target subjects, pick up, amplify, and re-transmit brainwave signals (EEGs) to a remote receiving station or command centre, where they are read as soon as they are received in order to learn about the houghts, ideas, opinions, formulations, conjectures or research work of the targetted individaul or targetted individuals.


What are Remote Mind Control Networks?


Remote Mind Control Networks (MCNs) that can inject thoughts into your minds, show images before your eyes, make you hear conversations you had with others earlier, show videos of things that you had never seen before and make you feel that they are just any other normal dreams that people can get. These networks monitor, manipulate and control their targetted individual or group or community or society or organization or nation. They inject thoughts into their target subject’s or target subjects’ minds; make them believe that those are their own thoughts and act on theose thoughts for their own peril or detriment and manipulated these innocent people into talking things or taking actions that make matters difficult or worse for them.

What are Remote Body Area Networks?


A Remote Body Area Network is a remote communication infrastructure that directly interacts with different parts of any human body, gathers information about every performance indicator of every part of the human body and formulates an understanding of the current levels of strengths and weaknesses of every part of the human body of its targetted individual, whereever or whichever place, region, country or contient that individual is located.


A Remote Body Area Network (BAN) is the part of the communication infrastructure that directly interacts with the human body. It supports both the sensing part, connected to the relative data transmission from the person under monitoring to the physician, and the receving part that receives notifications and/or alerts once data is processed.


A Remote Body Area Network (BAN) supports the sensing part connected to the data transmission from the targetted individual human being being monitored by the operators, technicians, technologists, researchers, investigators, clinical psychologists, neuro scientists, medical experts, nurses, doctors, nano experts, bio experts, mercenary agents and laboratory assistants in the command centre. It also receives notifications, feedback, strategy pointers and alerts from the concerned persons in the command centre or the client sites or the clients who are provided with either the complete or trucated data about the targetted individual or the individuals in the targetted groups. In order to enhance accurate diagnostics, many a Remote Body Area Network also makes use of several state-of-the-art or cutting-edge technologies or newly emerged advanced technologies such as bio-communication, neuro-communication, gene-communication, GPS communication, wireless communication, RFID communication, radio communication, intra-body communication and extra-body communicaiton.


Whata are Remote Body Control Networks?


A Remote Body Control Network is a remote communication infrastructure that directly interacts with different parts of any human body, creates different sensations in different parts of the human body, makes people believe that others are touching their different body parts, creates pain sensations or pleasure sensations or erection sensations or ejaculation sensations in different parts of the human body, makes it difficult for different parts of the human body to function normally and sometimes make it easy for different parts of the human body to function more effectively. It also makes the person to react differently in different parts of his or her body when others come in the presence of the person or seen in the proximity or shown in the dreams injected into the minds of the person. A Remote Body Control Networks even changes the shapes, sizes or reaction patterns of different parts of the body of a person. A Remote Body Control Network, depending upon the task entrusted to it, can enhance the sexual potency of the individual or reduce or destroy the sexual potency of the person. A Remote Body Control Network also has the ability to change the shape, size or reaction pattern of the different parts of the human body. Many a time, a Remote Body Control Network reduces the size or even deforms the shape of different parts of the human body.


What are Remote Body Area Networks (BANs), Remote Body Control Networks (BCNs), Remote Neuron Waves Monitoring Networks (NWMNs), Remote Mind Reading Networks (MANs) and Remote Mind Control Networks (MCNs)

What Should Englighted Citizens Protect themselves from Evil Forces?


There are forces that can monitor others, manipulate others and control others. Do some research on Remote Mind Reading Networks that can read your thoughts and Remote Mind Control Networks that can inject thoughts into your minds, show images before your eyes, make you hear conversations you had with others earlier, show videos of things that you had never seen before and make you feel that they are just any other normal dreams that people can get. There are many national, religion-based, college-run, university-administered, clinical pyschology-based, behavioural therapy based, nano-neuro based, nano-psychological-neuro based, nano-psychological-neuro-curative based, nano-psychological-neuro-preventive based, nano-psychological-neuro-legal based, nano-psychological-neuro-punitive based, nano-psychological-neuro-hospital-research based,major hospital based or international Remote Body Area Networks (BANs), Remote Body Control Networks (BCNs), Remote Neuron Waves Monitoring Networks (NWMNs), Remote Mind Reading Networks (MANs) or Remote Mind Control Networks (MCNs) that monitor, manipulate and control their targetted individual or group or community or society or organization or nation.


Remote Body Area Networks, Remote Body Control Networks, Remote Mind Reading Networks and Remote Mind Control Networks fucntion in most countries of the world, with impunity and for the benefit of the vested interests and for the harm of the general public of the countries in the world: (1) Global Positioning Satellite GPS Based Remote Body Area Networks and Remote Body Control Networks (2) Wireless Based Remote Body Area Networks and Remote Body Control Networks (3) Nano – Bio – Clinical Psychology – Neuro Bio Psychiatry Medico Radio Wave Neuro Wave and GPS Based Remote Body Area Networks and Remote Body Control Networks and (4) Nano – Bio – Clinical Psychology – Neuro Bio Psychiatry Medico Radio Wave Neuro Wave and GPS Based Remote Mind Reading Networks and Remote Mind Control Networks are Widespread


Sometimes, the vested interests demand more accurate results from Remote Body Area Networks and Remote Body Control Networks and in such cases, the latter use implantable sensors into various parts of the human body in order to more closely investigate the interested tissues and communicate in real-time and more effectively with the external systems, clients and other user groups or institutions.

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