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Most Wanted U.S. Officials 

These U.S. Officials and U.S. Government employees are wanted for crimes against American citizens and innocents worldwide. They infringe upon the civill right and liberties on "common people" with impunity and until they are brought to justice for these crimes we will never rest.  These individuals have knowledge of and participate in the U.S. Targeting programs upon innocent U.S. Citizens. If they were in fact chasing terrorists or preventing terrorism that would be one thing but upon interviewing hundreds of victims who are everyday people and some how "fell into the crosshair" of these targeting programs there is NO JUSTIFICATION for the torment, torture and pain the victims experience. The PSYOPS playbook seems to always be the same "Divide and Concur, Daze and Confuse, Isolate and Disable". Coast to Coast there are at least a hundred thousand victims suffering without assistance from the Federal Government. At the very least these individuals listed are incapable of action, lack discretion to act and are not fit to "protect and serve" as their oath requires. 

FBI Agent Phillip Bates - JTTF

* Domestic Terrorism - Illegal RNM
* Attempted Murder 
* Illegal Interrogation/Extortion
* Threats of Malicious Prosecution
* Concealing material facts vital to
   finding justice
* Witness tampering/Intimidation
* Fabrication of evidence
* Waste of Taxpayer resources
* Bribery (leveraging charges) 
* Conduct unbecoming

* Inappropriate relations with arrestees & more
* Failure to ID Terrorist Network in region of authority (AZ)


FBI Director  Chris Wray

* Violating FSIC ACT 702 - Use of RNM on US Citizens in country
* Knowledge of Weaponized "Voice Of God" RNM variant in country upon citizens.
* Knowledge of Children being "monitored", manipulated & trafficked 
* Knowledge of RNM mental, physical and emotional distress & conditioning
* Use of RNM on nonconsenting CHS and creation of Domestic Terrorist
*Concealing Use of WMD's on US Citizens
* Failure to recognize millions of "like" complaints of torture & torment (Gangstalking & Targeted Victims)

US Attorney Kristen J. Brook

* Threats of Malicious Prosection
* Obstruction Of Justice involving violent crimes (Gangstalking)
* Fabrication/Intimidation Witnesses 
* Participation in illegal surveillance and interrogation methods
* Concealing material facts vital to
   finding justice
* Conduct unbecoming

* Manipulation of a victim
* Violating Seperation Of Powers
    * Failure to prosecute FBI 


US Attorney Kristen J. Brook

* Dereliction of Duty, Criminal Negligence & Failure to administer justice investigating/charging Government Officials for initiating, facilitating, participating and monitoring an active "gentrification program" or genocide in process. Failure to prosecuted US Govnernment Officials/Employees/Contractors with Premeditated murder in knowing, willing and intentionally assisting victims to suicide, acts of extreme violence and severe physical aliments (brain damage, cancers, blood clots, strokes etc). Failure to offer legal remedy to modern day "Neural Slavery". As Government sponsored  Depriving US Citizens of willing consent release in human expermination, Due Process, Cruel & Unusual Punishment, illegal Serveillance Tech, illegal search & seizure, Violations of 702 & Nuremberg Code.  Failure to prosecute use of internationally classifed "Voice of God" weapon WMD upon US Citizens. Failure to acknowledge million of "like" complaints of torture & torment although two previous admins apologized for the same issue. Failure to uphold oath adhering the United States Constitution.



* Project Monarch/Ventriloquist - Forced BBI/Weaponized RNM/Human Expertimentation (equivalent of Neural Slavery) upon US Citizens (Successorship Liability) Knowledge of Flase Flag (Mass Shooter/Mental Conditioning)
* Obduction/Misuse & Misappropriation of US Citizen biometric data (Neural Signatures) Added to multiple EBLS as cover/conceal MK RNM Variant
* Violating FISC ACT 702/Numberburg Code restricting the use of Neuro Bio Res Weapons upon US Citizens or nonconsensual Human experimentation upon Kids, Elderly & Adults - On & Off Shore and use of Manchurian Proxification
* Knowledge of mental, physical, emotional abuse inflicted upon victims without warrant and trauma caused by design upon Targeted Victims (US POP)
* Concealing RNM Variant as "Surv/Intel version/Failing to disclosure full capabilities of RNM, intention and purposeful design (MK Ultra under new name - same purpose in light of obvious evidence, data and proof technology variants as used in times of war on former combatants (Knowledge it is US Program)
* Knowledge of Weapons RNM variant to groom, condition, manipulate and modify the actions of US Citizens



* Project Monarch/Ventriloquist - Forced BBI/Weaponized RNM/Human Expertimentation (equivalent of Neural Slavery) upon US Citizens (Successorship Liability) Mind Control/Conditioning/SLow Kill - VOICE OF GOD Manchurian
* Obduction/Misuse & Misappropriation of US Citizen biometric data (Neural Signatures) including illegal trafficking across state lines and multiple EBLS
* Violating FISC ACT 702/Numberburg Code restricting the use of Neuro Bio Res Weapons upon US Citizens or nonconsensual Human experimentation upon Kids, Elderly & Adults (Theft of Human Capital) Non consenting CHS
* Operating "Secret Neural Prison" illegally holding US Citizen Neural Signatures in EBL without legal authority. Clones of victims are made injected and into multiple EBL's worldwide BCI computer construct "Matrix" inducing mental, physical and emotion torture 24/7 without due process and little trace (Hence LE IS CLUELESS). Victims live in terror "physically free" but their "mind, body, soul, dignity and individualty" is stripped into nothing digitally. Removing memory, programmed to commit terrorist acts or kill themselves. Tormented 24/7 by USA ISA's, ROD's & Proxies to "brake' the victim psychological. Weaponized RNM is recognized as Neural Slavery/WMD - victims are tortured with EMF pain, Emotional and Mental state modification, visual allusions and holograms within an unescapable "Dr. Frankenstein" prison of the mind for which this  augmented reality Never Turns Off "Audible & Visual" torment. Killing the victim with radiation, cancer, stroke over many years if they don't kill themselves as suggested or someelse as recommended. THE NEW AUSCHWITZ IN AMERICA IN PLAIN VEIW. NO IMPLANT Required. 
* Misuse/Abuse/Mishandling/Misrepresentation of President Bidens Neural Signature while in a CIA/DARPA Neural Infusioner/hologram/photon charger (siting model) accessing the illegal US "nueral network" (of US Citizens Neural Signatures) allowing access to memory, thought to text "real time mind reading, audible & visual induction, mental & emotional modification. 



* Obduction/Misuse & Misappropriation of Non-Consenting US Citizen biometric data (Neural Signatures or clones for delution/framing) including illegal trafficking across state/international lines and added to multiple EBLS without medical relaease, written agreement "free will", compensation, protection or incentive beyond "submissive" or forced "Nueral Slavery"
* Neural Victims are used in the formerly "classfied" robots and cybertronics industry with the US Military, Military Industrial Complex and Big Pharma. Specially, these "non consenting" human/US Citizens are first infused into the above mentioned "neural prison" analyzed then passed of to be REMOTE Targets for Drone programs DARPA (cyborg (Human Machine Interface/synthethic integration, UAV, and humanoid drones). Victims are conditioned to believe they are competing to be special forces etc. groomed to leave everything, brainwashing of "clean slated", chipped or provided "neural synthethic" implants amplifying "control" of said victim and programmed to believe they are "special" of THE ONE and conditioned to verbally agree or audibly consent to human torture and risky human experimentation with very little benefit to the victim beyond the "mental, physical and emotional" torture to stop. Ensnaring children, the disabled, the elderly and the "outcasts" of low income of US society. 
* Violating FISC ACT 702/Numberburg Code restricting the use of Neuro Bio Res Weapons upon US Citizens or nonconsensual Human experimentation upon Kids, Elderly & Adults (Theft of Human Capital) Non consenting CHS
* Knowledge of mental, physical, emotional abuse and torment inflicted upon victims by use of MK Technologies upon citizens with intent to eliminate
* Concealing RNM Variant as "Surv/Intel version/Failing to disclosure full capabilities of RNM, intention and purposeful design (MK Ultra under new name - same purpose, same result via use of RF, ELF and EMF.
* Knowledge of Weapons RNM variant to groom, condition, manipulate and modify the actions of US Citizens with nefarious intent (leave victims broken, financially ruined and deemed mentally ill (as cover for the same symptoms)

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